– The Journey –

Who is Bob Hollinger?
Bob Hollinger is an internationally renowned Self Defense Expert and 8th Degree Karate Black Belt who lived and trained Karate in Japan for 17 years. His professional self defense experience spans 40+ years. His presentations have covered the globe, including many seminars in Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, as well as 200+ presentations across the U.S.A
West Reading, Pennsylvania, USA

A World Surrounded By Sports
Blessed. Here is where it all began, and I could not be more proud of how I grew up in Reading, PA, mainly on the basketball courts of 5th & Chestnut Streets. It taught me confidence, strength, passion, the courage to stand up for myself and a sense of loyalty. I remember going with my father to see a George Dillman karate class when I was 12, and though my father told me it would be OK to join, I knew he could not afford it so I said I wasn’t interested. I was lying.
I visited my Alma mater Wyomissing Area High School last year and had a rush of pride when I saw a plaque with the names of the Track & Field record holders in school history. Almost 40 years later my record of 6’7″ still stood. And I smiled again, remembering the days so many years ago when I could fly, taking off from just in front of the foul line and dunking a basketball, and in college high-jumping 6’10”. Still smiling, though differently, that since then I have had countless surgeries on my knees and ankles, but I am still training karate with the same passion……..yes, blessed.

How Tough Am I?
I remember like it was yesterday, the summer after graduating high school and my mother, God Bless her, and I had lunch together for maybe the only time out just the two of us. It was a Chinese restaurant, and I ordered a hamburger. She looked at me disappointed in my order and said, “Bobby, oh Bobby.” She went on to tell me the world was bigger than West Reading, bigger than Pennsylvania, and bigger than America, and that of all her five kids she wished for me to challenge myself in big ways. To challenge life. To try new things, new foods, meet new people and see new places.To suck the marrow out of the bone of life. I could go on about a fairy tale story putting an orphanage on my back, MES basketball team of Essaouira, Morroco, North Africa, to become national basketball champions of the entire country, but it’s only important to say that this was the best, toughest, most fun and most important stage of my life. I challenged myself.
It would be almost 20 years till I came back “home” again to live.
17 Years in JAPAN

Learning Balance
The formidable years of my life from ages 23 to 40 were years of transformation and growth, and like most of us, filled with highs and lows. My first visit to a karate dojo in Tochigi, Japan, I was introduced to Takahashi Sensei. I had a beret on and a toothpick in my mouth, and I was quickly reprimanded. Who was this little guy to challenge me? But I showed up the next day to train. And I Trained hard. This was the start of my karate journey. 17 years later I would leave Japan not the same man. The most telling saying in Japan to me is, “The nail that sticks up gets knocked down.” It was years of up and downs, but learning that life wasn’t all about me. The Japanese Spirit. The Japanese Heart (Kokoro). Japanese Budo and the Way of the Martial Artist. I won’t tell you I understand the ways of the Japanese heart and mind completely, only that I am not the same man who arrived in Japan in 1983, and that I am still striving to learn. Blessed on the journey. Many people came in and out of my life during those years, and I travled to many far off places in the world. But for me it all comes back to Mr. Mikio Tanaka – my Sensei, who I think of often, especially when I train karate. And with a smiling and thankful heart, as without these special people I would not be enjoying the life and love I have today. So from my heart, I thank you.

Learning Balance
The formidable years of my life from ages 23 to 40 were years of transformation and growth, and like most of us, filled with highs and lows. My first visit to a karate dojo in Tochigi, Japan, I was introduced to Takahashi Sensei. I had a beret on and a toothpick in my mouth, and I was quickly reprimanded. Who was this little guy to challenge me? But I showed up the next day to train. And I rained hard. This was the start of my karate journey. 17 years later I would leave Japan not the same man. The most telling saying in Japan to me is, “The nail that sticks up gets knocked down.” It was years of up and downs, but learning that life wasn’t all about me. The Japanese Spirit. The Japanese Heart (Kokoro). Japanese Budo and the Way of the Martial Artist. I won’t tell you I understand the ways of the Japanese heart and mind completely, only that I am not the same man who arrived in Japan in 1983, and that I am still striving to learn. Blessed on the journey. Many people came in and out of my life during those years, and I travled to many far off places in the world. But for me it all comes back to Mr. Mikio Tanaka – my Sensei, who I think of often, especially when I train karate. And with a smiling and thankful heart, as without these special people I would not be enjoying the life and love I have today. So from my heart, I thank you.